Outreach Ministry
The goal of our Outreach Ministry is the practice of looking beyond ourselves to the people around us sharing the love of Jesus Christ and ours as we serve and connect with our community outside the church.
Our Outreach Ministry takes on scriptural forms (I.e., bereavement, prayer groups, Bible studies, worship services, mission trips, veteran ministry, prison ministry, hospital visitations, adult care home visitations, lectures, volunteering, serving, and etc.). All these activities are intentionally directed towards fostering Christ glorifying and Gospel shaped relationships creating more faith, virtue, hope, and love in everyone's lives.
We seek to grow spiritually in our meetings through prayer and sharing our faith. We seek out those who are in need spiritually. Materially, we help where we can. We respond to the opportunities God presents us. In coming closer to others, we all come closer to God.
We have neighbors who have need of our talents, our know-how, our concern, and our love everywhere. As taught in the Bible, our neighbors are anyone we meet.
Our Outreach Ministry is available, please contact us.