Free Trial
A free trial enjoys all the same benefits as members! There is no need to set up an account. No payment information is needed. You simply decide to get started. Below, we give you the links to get started.
For 30 days, YOU CAN do the following.
- Day 1, take a mental snapshot and note how life is currently going. Write things in life down in a journal. Start reading the Bible.
- Daily, read the Bible. Here is a free, terrific Bible.
- Daily, live by the biblical teachings of Jesus Christ.
- Daily, pray to God. This could be when you wake up, go to bed, before meals, before you go to work, before your children go to school, before traveling, etc. Pray for needs, comfort, deliverance and resolutions. Pray for forgiveness by others. Ask for forgiveness of your sins. Pray for peace. Pray for sobriety. There are numerous reasons to pray, and praying has no ending in life natural life and eternal life.
- Daily, forgive people and long standing grievances. You too were forgiven by our Lord when you asked.
- Daily, serve people.
- Daily, love people. This can be through your speech and treatment of others. How you respond to others in all circumstances. Fostering loving relationships with co-workers, friends, family and enemies.
- Daily, journal your day what has gone right or not so much. Pray for what has not gone right.
- Weekly, attend church services. Try different churches so you can find your preference. You can also attend online through various churches.
- On day 30, take a mental snapshot and note how life is going. Compare this to day 1.
- The trial can be further extended 30 days for free through our Lord. The agreement is with Him.
Thereafter, should you wish to sign-up for an eternal, paid membership, the price has already been paid in full by Jesus Christ. This is upon your agreementment, acceptance and submission to Him.
Get started with day 1 today!